Believing in my own lies
We all have that nagging voice of doubt. The one that whispers, "It's going to be too hard." For years, I let that voice control my life. And now, looking back, I realize it's my only true regret.
"It's going to be too hard." Five simple words. But they became the bars of a cage I built around myself. Every time an opportunity arose, every time I dreamed of something bigger, that voice would chime in. And I listened.
I passed on opportunities that seemed challenging, avoided social situations that pushed me out of my comfort zone, and gave up on personal goals before even trying—all because I believed the lie that it would be "too hard."
The hardest part is imagining what could have been. What if I had pushed through the initial discomfort? What if I had met amazing people and forged lifelong connections?
Flipping the "what ifs"
Thankfully, this story has a silver lining. There came a point where I got sick of living in that self-imposed cage. I realized that the only thing truly holding me back was my mindset.
So I made a choice. I decided to challenge that inner voice of doubt. Every time it whispered, "It's too hard," I countered, "But what if it's not?" Then my mind would say, "What if people don't like it?" and I replied, "But what if they do?"
Slowly but surely, my world began to change. I started saying "yes" to opportunities that scared me. I embraced the discomfort of growth and learning. The most surprising thing? As I pushed myself, I discovered that many of those "impossible" tasks weren't nearly as hard as I had built them up to be in my mind.
This experience taught me a powerful lesson: our biggest limitations are often the ones we place on ourselves. Our thoughts have incredible power to shape our reality - for better or worse.
Now, when I face a challenge, I try to approach it with curiosity instead of fear. I ask myself what I can learn, how it will make me stronger, and what amazing things might happen if I succeed.
What if I made it?
What if people like it?
What if I succeed?
And this experience led me to come up with the main idea behind The Tiny Wisdom itself. I know life is going to be hard, and the world is not so kind. So I came up with a life motto that would let me achieve anything I want in life:
It's not going to be easy,
But it's not impossible.
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Your turn
I share this story because I know I'm not alone. We all have those inner voices of doubt and insecurity. The key is recognizing them for what they are - just thoughts, not facts.
So ask yourself: What lie have you been telling yourself? What amazing things might happen if you choose to believe in your potential instead?
Remember, the only true failure is giving up before you even try. Don't let your insecurities rob you of the life you could be living. Take that first step, no matter how small.
I hope you find this insightful. Remember:
It's not going to be easy,
But it's not impossible.
Your friend,