Why do we need "closure" before we "begin?"

We've all been there.

Waiting for the perfect moment to start that new habit, launch that business idea, or make that life change we've been dreaming about. "I'll start on Monday." Or the more commonly used phrase: "New year, new me."

Does this sound familiar?

The tendency to wait for closure or a specific time before taking action is deeply ingrained in human nature. While it can provide a sense of "structure" and fresh beginnings, it often becomes a crutch that holds us back from real progress.

The Illusion of Perfect Timing

The truth is, there's rarely a perfect time to start anything. Life is messy, unpredictable, and full of distractions, and waiting for the ideal moment often means waiting forever.

Instead of waiting for the stars to align, take small, imperfect steps towards your goals right now. We are not the main character in a TV show–a few years ago I learned the hard way that no miracle or plot twists will come to save me. We have to change ourselves if we want to change our lives.

Often, we use the need for closure as an excuse to procrastinate. We tell ourselves we need to finish one chapter before starting another, but life doesn't always work that way. You can start something new without completely closing the old.

Life is full of parallel stories and simultaneous growth. Embrace the overlapping narratives of your journey.

So, try reframing your perspective. Instead of seeing January 1st as the only time for new beginnings, view each day or each week as a chance to start anew.

Yesterday, you said "tomorrow"

Yesterday, you said "tomorrow." Tomorrow, you'll say "someday."

However, "someday" is a dangerous word. It gives us the illusion of future action without any real commitment. It's a comforting lie we tell ourselves to avoid the discomfort of change.

Just do it.

I don't know if you have seen this, but maybe you should.

The compound effect of small beginnings

Remember, significant changes often start with small, seemingly insignificant actions. By starting now, even with tiny steps, you set in motion a chain of events that can lead to significant transformation.

Celebrate these small starts. Acknowledge and appreciate the small actions you take. This positive reinforcement can fuel your motivation and build momentum.

It might seem like just taking a few steps.
But over time, you'll see how far you've been gone.

Embracing the journey

Waiting for closure or the perfect moment before starting something new is a mental construct that often hinders us more than it helps.

By recognizing this tendency and actively working to overcome it, we can unlock a world of opportunities and growth.

Remember, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now. So why wait?

Your new beginning starts today. Embrace the journey, imperfections and all, and watch as your life transforms one small step at a time.

I hope you find this insightful. Remember:

It's not going to be easy,
But it's not impossible.

Your friend,

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